waiting for my family to come and get me!

waiting for my family to come and get me!
There's no place like home!

Monday, May 30, 2011

home visit appointed

Well, I spoke with my newly assigned social worker this evening and we have a date! June 11 and 12 she will come out for a visit! I figure my house will probably be more spic and span than it's been in a while! Actually, I have been painting the past week. Some new colors on the walls really make a difference- I have been planning on painting since last spring- and I finally got around to doing it! I am looking forward to moving things along to the next step and keeping this ball rolling!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Moving along!!!

Well, got my labwork yesterday, and will finish my medical clearance this week! It's great to feel like the process is just moving along!!!
I think some of the stress of the paperwork and such has begun touching on my daughter- having some tummy aches on school mornings and feeling more anxious than usual. So, now I am trying to be extra careful to keep up the positives of it all as it comes into place, so as not to let her take on any of that stress! I imagine any expectant mom with other children has dealt with this sort of thing as well. To let go of some of the anxiety, I just keep envisioning us finally getting to meet him in China! What a joyous day that will be!!!! According to his file- he loves food (he'll fit right into our family), and becomes friends with anyone who gives him a snack :)
You know my pockets will be bulging with tasty treats!