waiting for my family to come and get me!

waiting for my family to come and get me!
There's no place like home!

Monday, May 14, 2012

up, up , and away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are off in just 3 short days! Thank goodness I have a mom who is a good packer! We are all packed, paperwork ready to go, looking forward to starting the next chapter of this adventure.  I just can't believe that by sunday, we will see Garrett walk through that door and will get to be with him, hold his little hand, hear his sweet voice!  We are prepared for whatever may come as far as his reaction to this big transition- think good thoughts for him! We are bringing plenty of snacks for him and fun things to play with to ease it along.  Hope we all stay well throughout the next few weeks, and make all of our connecting flights!