waiting for my family to come and get me!

waiting for my family to come and get me!
There's no place like home!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Merry Christmas!!!!

And what a wonderful Christmas indeed! We are so fortunate to be awarded a grant from Gift of Adoption for $5,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am still in happy shock!!!!!
At this point, I now will have enough money to go and bring Garrett home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel absolutely blessed to have received such incredible support in our adoption journey over this past year, Garrett would not be about to start life with our family without the help that each one of you have given, either in the form of donation of funds towards the crazy amount of fees or in all of the positive thinking towards reaching this goal!  I am amazed.  And just thrilled to be closer to getting the call saying "come and get him now"!
Wishing you and your families a magical Christmas and holiday season with lots of love.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wonderful News!

On Sunday night, I was preparing dinner.  I had felt a little discombobulated all day for some reason (my paintings I was working on for Christmas presents just weren't turning out), and since I didn't know who was calling, almost didn't answer the phone.  But for some reason, I just picked up, and was told my the Affording Adoption Foundation that I was being awarded $1,500!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was one of the many grants to which I have applied-and the only one that has chosen us for a grant-  it was such a fantastic surprise and just MADE my Christmas!!!!!!!!  I am so thankful to have been given such a generous grant- Affording Adoption Foundation really DOES support us adopting parents!!!!!!! Now I know where my charity donations will be headed in the future (when I am done with all of this fundraising for Garrett!!)!  Keep up all of your good thoughts!  Another grant- from Gift of Adoption is being reviewed this week, and I am hoping that the committee will help us to reach our goal of bringing Garrett home!  All 20 of my fingers and toes are crossed and I am envisioning Garrett opening his Christmas gifts next year!!!!!!!!!!!! What fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I have a Log In Date of 12/2/11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That means that China officially has my paperwork- good news!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

up, up and away!!

As we speak, my dossier is on its way to China! Yippee!!
 What a lot to be thankful for this year! Many many thanks to all of you who have helped to fund Garrett's adoption thus far! Bringing Garrett home would be impossible without your help.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

last night!

It was so wonderful to get home from work last night and see that envelope from Homeland Security sitting on the counter!!!  I got my I800A approval! Yippee!

 So, I quickly made a date with the notary for this morning and took a quick break at work in order to get it notarized.  I was so excited to be able to use my lunch break to wire the money, get the cashier's check and send everything off to be certified, authenticated, then all off to China! You can imagine the horror I felt when as I was out the door for the lunch break, noticed that my keys were no where to be found- locked in the car with all of my paperwork!  AAAAGGGGG! The roadside assistance finally came, and I dashed off. Money wired, cashier's check in hand, off to the Fed Ex when I realized I left the notarized I800A approval back at work!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes- can you believe it?!
So I raced back to work, ran down the hall, grabbed the document, raced back to the Fed Ex- shipped it all off, and finally my hands stopped shaking! 
But, when I came home, I had an email from the adoption agency with new wiring instructions- the account in China to which I wired the money is no longer in use!!! So, I am hoping it just doesn't go through and I can re-wire it to the right spot tomorrow, or better yet, that it is actually still operational and it just goes through to the right spot!
But, I have to say- it is such a humungous relief to have that dossier sent off, and now to await the next approval! A step ahead!!!!! happy happy happy!

and now for the revised itemized expense list :

Itemized expenses
PAID  $2,000- placing adoption agency fee 
PAID  $500- initial China waiting child program coordinator fee
PAID  $2,400-home study
PAID  $78- fingerprinting at local police dept.
PAID  $1,112- notary fees, certified documents, fundraiser printing costs, fundraiser venue rental, postage, Hague education requirement classes, medical clearance, passport renewal
PAID $78- Sheriff’s letter of good conduct
PAID $2,300-balance of China waiting child program fee
PAID $762- courier fee, certification of documents by State Dept. and authentication by Chinese Consulate and Fed Ex ($350+$198+$180+$34)
PAID $755- fee to China Center of Adoption Affairs at time of dossier submission ($525+$150+$80)
Total Paid: $ 10,790

Left to pay:
$2,100- post-placement fee
$6,500- government fees in China
$5,000- travel expenses for necessary 2 week stay in China for Jenn and for Garrett’s flight home
Total left to pay: $13,740

Estimated Grand Total of Expenses: $24,530
Wish List Travel for Granny and Alma to join me- $7,000 (not included in grand total or total left to raise)
Current savings balance: $8,237             
Total funds raised so far: $12,322
Total left to raise to bring Garrett home: $5,503


My previous Chip In expired when I had to get an extension to turn in all my paperwork- so I created a new one with the latest goal for those who find that an easy way to donate

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Creeping Along!

I tallied up the fundraising efforts tonight and am happy to say that I only need to raise $6,200 more in order to finish up the adoption paperwork and pay the fees and go and bring Garrett home!  I haven't yet heard back from any grants, but did find another that I will be sending in an application for ASAP!

Other than thinking about fundraising, I am trying to stay sane in the midst of waiting for this first of several approvals to come! Instead of the estimated 2-3 weeks wait time, I am now in the 6th week of waiting for the initial I800A approval.  It is frustrating beyond frustrating knowing that Garrett is still hanging at the orphanage while we miss out on first his babyhood, and now his toddlerhood.  I so had my hopes set on bringing him home this Christmas, but the process is moving much slower that I had anticipated. Thank goodness I was able to get an extension for turning in paperwork to China!  The entire process is certainly a lesson in patience and in letting go of control (kind of like the average labor and delivery- only much much longer!).  If I was unemployed, I would drop everything, and go live in the orphanage and help out the nannies until I could bring Garrett home! One good thing is that I have more time to raise the necessary funds.

Thank you so much for all of your continued good wishes-we never would have come this far were it not for such positive thinking from all of you and for all of the generous donations towards our efforts! 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Hurry and Wait!

Arrgghhh! the wait for the I800A approval is starting to drive me batty!  It is over a week overdue, so I left a message with the immigration officer assigned to me, and hope to hear from him TODAY! 
Last night, I had a dream that I was at work and got the travel approval to go to China to pick Garrett up- it was great! In my dream, I was telling everyone I was on my way to go get him, and I was getting a ton of faxed pages of a Chinese school book that I had to study to learn to speak Chinese before going!!
I just can't wait for the day that the travel approval actually comes- all this waiting..... 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Baby steps!

I got my USCIS fingerprints done last week!! Yay! The process is definitely taking longer than I expected, and when I compare our progress with other families' timelines from one approval to the next- I fear Garrett won't get here until April. But, at least the process is moving forward.  I did have to request an extension to send in my paperwork to China due to the USCIS assigned appointment date, but now I just hope things keep moving along!  Think good (speedy) thoughts for us!  I still have not heard back from any of the many grants to which I have applied for adoption assistance, but my fingers and toes are still crossed that something will come through! good thoughts, good thoughts, good thoughts!!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

waiting for mama, granny and big sister!

New photos!!!

I am thrilled to see new photos of Garrett taken by a family visiting the orphanage to adopt their child! New inspiration to get through the paperwork mire and to keep up the fundraising efforts so we can bring him home as soon as possible. I also received a donation today with a note from a family whose son was born with a bilateral cleft and now he is assistant principal at a school and a great public speaker!!!! How inspiring to envision Garrett's future! Thank you to all who are holding him in your thoughts.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fundraising Update

I am pleased to announce that we have raised to date $13,202! Thank you to you all!

I thought that I was only about $2,000- $3,000 away from having just enough to go to China alone to complete the paperwork, and pick up Garrett- but after updating the expense sheet tonight- I still have to raise $8,534. I am so hoping to be able to have the support of family with me (Mom and daughter) during this trip, but that adds on another $7008 to raise. I am keeping my hopes up that one of the many grants I applied to will accept my application, let's wait and see. At this time, I am working on another fundraiser- this time a raffle, as well as a silent auction.
Stay tuned for photos of the silent auction items coming up soon! And as soon as I have the raffle organized- I will let you all know the details.

Here is an updated report of itemized expenses:

PAID $2,000- placing adoption agency fee (Bay Area Adoption Services)
PAID $500- initial China waiting child program coordinator fee
PAID $2,400-home study (Across the World Adoptions)
PAID $78- fingerprinting at local police dept.
PAID $1112- notary fees, certified documents, fundraiser printing costs, fundraiser venue rental, postage, Hague education requirement classes, medical clearance, passport renewal
PAID $78- Sheriff’s letter of good conduct
Total Paid: $6922

Left to pay:
$2,300-balance of China waiting child program fee
$790- certification of documents by State Dept. and authentication by Chinese Consulate
$2100- post-placement fee
$710- fee to China Center of Adoption Affairs at time of dossier submission
$6,500- government fees in China
$12,064- family travel expenses for necessary 2 week stay in China
Estimated Grand Total of Expenses: $31,386
Total left to pay: $24,464
Current savings balance: $8922
Total left to raise: $15,542 [for family (me, Alma, Mom) to pick up Garrett]
OR $8534 to go alone to pick up Garrett

Thursday, September 15, 2011

And the grand total is....

To date, we have raised a total of $12,854.69 !!!!!!

I am so grateful to all of you who helped bring us this far towards our goal of raising $25,000!

I was given an appt. from USCIS to have my fingerprints done 10/06- I am going to check to see if I can come in sooner- but even if I can't (I highly doubt I will be able to do them sooner) at least things are still moving forward.

Having Garrett here by Christmas may be wishful thinking, but in a situation like this-- what more is there besides keeping hope and wishful thinking alive and well?

Let's keep our fingers crossed (and toes)

Next fundraiser- a raffle??


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

and a good time was had by all!

So, the dance party fundraiser was a success! A small success, but success none the less!! No one unknown came, despite the hundreds of beautiful fliers strewn about 2 towns and the radio and newspaper adds. But so many local businesses, friends and coworkers helped to make it not only a fundraiser, but a testament to what a wonderful community we live in! I am so grateful for the donations of wine, food, DJing and all the volunteer time put in. I made $1700 total, and after subtracting the cost for having the event, now have $1200 more towards Garrett's adoption fund!

Yesterday, I was so pleased to send of my corrected, finalized home study to immigration---one more step closer...
I also submitted 2 grant applications and am hoping hoping hoping they find it in their hearts to award a grant.
now, onto the next fundraiser....hhmmmmmm....bingo night?
I sent letters and photos to 29 different charity organizations, but havn't yet heard anything back.

keep your fingers crossed- I have $17,761 left to raise to bring Garrett home.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Electric Boogaloo Dance Party Fundraiser!

This weekend- Saturday 8/20/11
80's Dance Party at Crown Hall in Mendocino!
beer,wine for sale
bake sale
free snacks!
lots of great music with DJ Moody Eva!!
ping pong, air hockey, disco balls and lots of side ponytails!!
donations at the door

Thursday, August 11, 2011

looking ahead....

I can't wait to look back on these days and chuckle!
Planning the fundraiser dance party has been a bit of an undertaking with a few snags along the way (the latest is that the application for the alcohol permit was sent priority mail for tracking, was delivered, and STILL didn't reach the office), but am getting some great response from local wineries and brewery for donations. I even have a few friends from high school driving up from the bay area to join in the celebration! and found several disco balls up in the storage of the dance hall- Yay! I am looking forward to an evening of fun music, dance and laughter! I also can't wait to unveil Alma's new t-shirt in time for the party (I had it squirreled away awaiting the time we can go pick up Garrett)- it says "I'm the big sister" and I am sure she will just love it!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Well, I am waiting for the finalized homestudy- just found out it will be another week and a smidge, as people are not in town. I am getting a bit worried about meeting the October 1st deadline- what if the papers are not all ready? what if I haven't raised enough money to go get him? It's a constant little cloud of worries! Can't wait till he is just in my arms!! thank goodness for Alma the positive thinker by my side- when I start to wonder- she just says "but Mom, we will raise the money" without a doubt. And in my heart, I know it's the truth. Because what other alternative is there really? none

He IS a part of our family

Friday, July 8, 2011

Home Study completed- one more step forward!

I am so pleased to let you all know that I received the draft of our home study last night, just needs a little editing and then approval by my adoption agency!
One more step forward!
I am starting to plan a fundraising event in my community- pizza/dance party- what do you think? Any ideas or tips to make it a success?

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Garrett turns 2!

We just celebrated Garrett's 2nd birthday- and sent lots of birthday wishes his way! Hope that they find him- happy, and staying healthy, strong, and growing and developing into his little toddler self! Our biggest wish for him of course is that this is the last birthday he spends without a family, in the orphanage. There's just no place like home! I am still feeling positive that somehow we will be able to raise the money to complete the adoption process soon- certainly every penny adds up. Thank you to all of you who have given to help bring him home!!

Happy Birthday Garrett!

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Did you hear my big sign of relief across the internet? The homestudy visit was lovely! It was actually enjoyable, sitting around eating tea cakes and chatting. Our social worker was so relaxed and down to earth- she really took the stress out of feeling like you, your family and home are up for inspection and the rest of your life depends on their interpretation of the above. Why did I waste all that time stressing out?

Now, I look forward to getting down and dirty with the fundraising part to get ole Garrett home as soon as possible! He will be turning 2 years old this month already!!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Big Day Tomorrow!

I am really excited about my home visit tomorrow! Let's get this show on the road!

Now, I better do a little more cleaning....

Monday, May 30, 2011

home visit appointed

Well, I spoke with my newly assigned social worker this evening and we have a date! June 11 and 12 she will come out for a visit! I figure my house will probably be more spic and span than it's been in a while! Actually, I have been painting the past week. Some new colors on the walls really make a difference- I have been planning on painting since last spring- and I finally got around to doing it! I am looking forward to moving things along to the next step and keeping this ball rolling!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Moving along!!!

Well, got my labwork yesterday, and will finish my medical clearance this week! It's great to feel like the process is just moving along!!!
I think some of the stress of the paperwork and such has begun touching on my daughter- having some tummy aches on school mornings and feeling more anxious than usual. So, now I am trying to be extra careful to keep up the positives of it all as it comes into place, so as not to let her take on any of that stress! I imagine any expectant mom with other children has dealt with this sort of thing as well. To let go of some of the anxiety, I just keep envisioning us finally getting to meet him in China! What a joyous day that will be!!!! According to his file- he loves food (he'll fit right into our family), and becomes friends with anyone who gives him a snack :)
You know my pockets will be bulging with tasty treats!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Homestudy has begun!!

I have now sent in my application to begin the home study, the most important piece of the adoption process! We are firmly on our way!! Next, I will get all my paperwork together including fingerprints, child abuse checks in the states in which I have lived, financial status, and a social worker will come to visit our home and basically ensure that I would make a good mom for Garrett and that our home is a good place for kids! Keep thinking all those positive thoughts- I think that is the main reason we have been able to come this far!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Estimated Adoption Expenses

Update on expenses:
Here are the estimates at this point provided by my adoption agency (less than I originally anticipated, which is good!!):
fees to adoption agency: $2000
home study:$2400
fees to waiting child program: $2800
fees to international adoption center: $710
approximately $6500 government fees
estimated family travel expenses to finalize adoption and bring Garrett home (must travel with adoption agency program)$10,000

what a ride life is!

Last year, when a nurse friend of mine asked if I wanted to join her on a cleft repair mission, I jumped at the chance to see a new place and use my nursing to help out a bunch of orphaned children. Although I dreaded leaving my daughter behind at home for the first time, I knew this was an opportunity I should not pass up. So, I put the expense on the credit card, hopped on the plane a few weeks later, and looked forward to being helpful. I really didn't know what to expect, as this was my first time taking part in such a trip. Once at the hospital, we quickly got into the swing of the routine and started getting to know the kids. What a bunch of cutie pies! Helping to entertain them as they waited before and after their surgeries was a joy. However, never in my wildest imagination, did I think I would be where I am today, hoping to adopt a little boy with a severe cleft. I had no intention of adopting during my trip, and knew that it was not legal for single parents to adopt there. I was content with my life as a nurse and mom. But, once I returned, I could not get those children out of my mind. I knew some would be adopted and others would not. My heart went out to those that would continue living in orphanages, never knowing the love and security of their own family. I began considering the possibility of adoption, and miraculously, the law changed last month, allowing singles to adopt! I promptly asked an adoption agency to match me with a child with severe cleft, and here we are, rooting for Garrett! You just never know what life has in store for you! What a thrill!