waiting for my family to come and get me!

waiting for my family to come and get me!
There's no place like home!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Creeping Along!

I tallied up the fundraising efforts tonight and am happy to say that I only need to raise $6,200 more in order to finish up the adoption paperwork and pay the fees and go and bring Garrett home!  I haven't yet heard back from any grants, but did find another that I will be sending in an application for ASAP!

Other than thinking about fundraising, I am trying to stay sane in the midst of waiting for this first of several approvals to come! Instead of the estimated 2-3 weeks wait time, I am now in the 6th week of waiting for the initial I800A approval.  It is frustrating beyond frustrating knowing that Garrett is still hanging at the orphanage while we miss out on first his babyhood, and now his toddlerhood.  I so had my hopes set on bringing him home this Christmas, but the process is moving much slower that I had anticipated. Thank goodness I was able to get an extension for turning in paperwork to China!  The entire process is certainly a lesson in patience and in letting go of control (kind of like the average labor and delivery- only much much longer!).  If I was unemployed, I would drop everything, and go live in the orphanage and help out the nannies until I could bring Garrett home! One good thing is that I have more time to raise the necessary funds.

Thank you so much for all of your continued good wishes-we never would have come this far were it not for such positive thinking from all of you and for all of the generous donations towards our efforts! 

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