waiting for my family to come and get me!

waiting for my family to come and get me!
There's no place like home!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

2 months since gotcha day

And how time flies! Can't believe we have already been together for 2 months! Garrett amazes me every single day with his ability to go with the flow and enjoy so many new experiences! We celebrated his 3rd birthday at the end of June, went camping last week, had our first trip to the ER while I was packing to go camping (dislocated his elbow while playing- which luckily just popped right back into place on its own after having xrays), got bit by some bug while camping which made his face swell up (yikes), and went swimming today! We are just enjoying the summer, which is speeding by much too quickly (with way more foggy days than I would like).  Alma is still such a great big sister- I am so grateful that she is enjoying him and the extra responsibility she has now as a big sister.  I have taken Garrett to Stanford and UCSF for consults and will take him this week for a final consult at UCDavis before I decide where he should have his cleft surgery.  Then, we will get started with that.  I do wonder though- how will I keep such an energetic little guy calm and low key for the weeks following surgery?  He certainly keeps me on my toes!


  1. Hi Garrett

    My name is Jenna. You are a brave courageous fighter. you are a special miracle from god, a gift from above, earthly angel,and you are a smilen hero. You are full of happiness, life, smiles, joy, fun,love, and spunk.

    I was born with a rare life threatening disease, and have 14 other medical conditions, and developmental delays.

    I wrote this poem

    Each of us are Special

    Each of us different,

    No one is the same

    Each of are us are unique in our own way,

    Those of us who have challenges, we smile through our day.

    Those who of us who have challenges, we smile through our day.

    It doesn't matter what others say

    we are special anyway.

    What is forty feet and sings? the school chior

  2. What an inspiration! and a beautiful poem. Thank you.
