waiting for my family to come and get me!

waiting for my family to come and get me!
There's no place like home!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

9 Days Post Surgery!

So, Garrett's surgery went well last week. He is still recuperating, but getting back to his old self little by little. He still needs plenty of rest, and suddenly having a nostril to breath through is a little tricky at night, but over all, he is doing great. I am hoping it all stays together the way it needs to in order to continue healing well over these next months.  I am amazed what his surgeon was able to do with so little lip tissue. He will be on a pureed diet for a few weeks, and keeping everything nice and clean is a challenge, but he is tolerating things much better than I would if it were me!

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet baby, or big boy! He looks fantastic. I know it will take some time to get use to his new look. I will be thinking of you all and hope all continues to go well with recovery. If you didn't get a copy of the May SWI visit, email me and I'll forward it to you, Garrett was pictured in it.
