waiting for my family to come and get me!

waiting for my family to come and get me!
There's no place like home!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

what a ride life is!

Last year, when a nurse friend of mine asked if I wanted to join her on a cleft repair mission, I jumped at the chance to see a new place and use my nursing to help out a bunch of orphaned children. Although I dreaded leaving my daughter behind at home for the first time, I knew this was an opportunity I should not pass up. So, I put the expense on the credit card, hopped on the plane a few weeks later, and looked forward to being helpful. I really didn't know what to expect, as this was my first time taking part in such a trip. Once at the hospital, we quickly got into the swing of the routine and started getting to know the kids. What a bunch of cutie pies! Helping to entertain them as they waited before and after their surgeries was a joy. However, never in my wildest imagination, did I think I would be where I am today, hoping to adopt a little boy with a severe cleft. I had no intention of adopting during my trip, and knew that it was not legal for single parents to adopt there. I was content with my life as a nurse and mom. But, once I returned, I could not get those children out of my mind. I knew some would be adopted and others would not. My heart went out to those that would continue living in orphanages, never knowing the love and security of their own family. I began considering the possibility of adoption, and miraculously, the law changed last month, allowing singles to adopt! I promptly asked an adoption agency to match me with a child with severe cleft, and here we are, rooting for Garrett! You just never know what life has in store for you! What a thrill!

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